Honors Student Organizations

Get Involved With Honors!

Honors Student Organizations

student organization members in photo frame

Looking for a way to get involved in Honors, build community with fellow Honors students, and take a leadership role on campus? Join one or more of our four Honors recognized student organizations (RSOs)!

Dr. Michael W. Combs Honors Scholars

Our Mission:

  • To provide opportunity to discuss books, films, and other media content featuring narratives by and about people of color

About Dr. Combs:

The late Dr. Michael W. Combs was more than a distinguished professor of political science, community leader and UNL researcher and author. He daily embodied excellence and a holistic view of education. We created this RSO to ensure that every student knows that they are a young scholar with infinite potential.

Membership Details:

Open to all UNL students interested in the RSO's activities of reading books/watching films and gathering to discuss them

Interested in becoming a member?

Please contact the CHS Executive Team at combs.honors.scholars@gmail.com or @unlcombs on Instagram.

You can also join their GroupMe where they announce their events to members.

Honors Ambassadors

Our Mission:

  • To provide prospective students and their families with access to real Honors students who can share their experiences and answer questions
  • To promote and facilitate quality recruitment events for prospective and on-campus students

You May Know Us From

  • Red Letter Days
  • Honors recruitment activities
  • Honors Campus Visits
  • Honors Student Panels
  • Honors Welcome Events

Membership Details:

Applications are open to all Honors students in good standing in the Honors Program.

Apply to be an Honors Ambassador!

Questions? Please reach out to honors@unl.edu

Honors Ambassadors Application - Currently Closed

Keegan Oldani with other Honor students in the Museum


"I chose to join Honors Ambassadors because the Honors Program and the Honors Ambassadors had a significant impact on my decision to attend UNL. I knew that getting involved with Honors Ambassadors would not only be a great experience, but it would also be rewarding to help future Nebraska Honors students discover what could lie ahead for them here at UNL."

Keegan Oldani, Honors Ambassador

Honors Peer Mentors

Our Mission:

  • To support first-year Honors students in their transition to college
  • To help students build meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, and student peers; understand Honors Program expectations; and connect with a wealth of valuable opportunities across campus

What We Do:

Each peer mentor guides 8-12 first- year Honors students through their first semester in Honors. Mentors also design experiential learning opportunities, called Honors Impacts (HIs), to help students develop in areas such as: academic development, wellbeing, and global awareness.

Membership Details:

  • Applications for Peer Mentors are open to all Honors students who are in good standing in the Honors Program
  • Applications for Peer Mentor Leaders, who oversee Peer Mentors, are open to all Honors students who have served one or more semesters as a Peer Mentor and are in good standing with the Honors Program

Applications for Peer Mentors due in February
Applications for Peer Mentor Leaders due in October 21, 2024

Questions? Please reach out to Hailey Olberding at holberding2@huskers.unl.edu

Peer Mentor Application - Open in February Peer Mentor Leader Application - Due October 23

Maggie Stotz with peer mentors in group photo


"Having an immediate connection on campus made coming to UNL much less intimidating. The Honors Program became a community that I was so proud to be a part of, and my peer mentor was a big part of that. I wanted to give back to the program by becoming a peer mentor and then a peer mentor leader so I could continue to share the benefits of this program with new students."

-Maggie Stotz, President of Honors Peer Mentors

Honors Program Student Advisory Board (HPSAB)

Our Mission:

  • To foster community among Honors students by planning and hosting social and professional development events for current Honors students
  • To provide a place for Honors students to provide input to the Honors Program administrators

You May Know Us From

  • Honors Week
    • Game Night, Ice Cream Social, Watch Party, and More!!
  • The HPSAB Scholarship
  • Professional Development Events
    • Cooper Conversations
  • Honors Apparel Sales

Membership Details:

Applications are open to all Honors students in good standing in the Honors Program.

Applications accepted fall & spring

Questions? Please reach out to honors@unl.edu

HPSAB Application - March 23

Clare Kramper


"Honors Program Student Advisory Board is a wonderful way to network with students from all different areas of Honors. If you’re passionate about enacting change, making people feel included, or want to have a part in leadership in Honors, this is the place for you!"

Clare Kramper, HPSAB president


There are many honors society options at UNL, and Nebraska Honors students have a history of involvement in all of them. All of these groups are open to students within and outside of the Honors Program.

The following are some of the most prominent honor societies on campus. Please see their websites for more information.

motar board

Mortar Board

"The Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board strives to exemplify the organization's goal of advancing scholarship, leadership, and service."

This is a UNL chapter of a national senior honorary. Application is open to current juniors.

Mortar Board

innocents society

Innocents Society

"Membership is based upon superior academic achievement, unparalleled leadership, and selfless service to the university and community."

This is the Chancellor's Senior Honorary, and uniquely Nebraskan. Application is open to current juniors. 

Innocents Society

omicron dela kappa

Omicron Delta Kappa

"To identify, honor and develop leaders in collegiate and community life, to encourage collaboration among students, faculty, staff and alumni to advance leadership, and to promote and publicize our ideals."

Open to current juniors, seniors, and graduate students. 

Omicron Delta Kappa

Phi beta kappa

Phi Beta Kappa

"The organization recognizes and encourages a commitment to excellence in the liberal arts."

Open to students in the humanities and social sciences, by invitation only.

Phi Beta Kappa