Honors Ambassador New Member Application

This application allows interested students to apply to join the Honors Ambassadors.

 The Honors Ambassadors serve to inform prospective and current students about the Honors Program. Activities include speaking with families and prospective students, serving on student panels, facilitating tours of Knoll Residential Center, and representing the Honors Program at other University and community events. Each semester, members are required to attend 6 Honors Ambassador meetings, which generally occur biweekly on Tuesday nights starting at 7:00 p.m., and are expected to commit 5-10 hours per semester at Ambassador events. 

Application Process & Qualifications: Membership in Honors Ambassadors is open to all Honors students in good standing in the Honors Program. If you are unsure of your standing, please schedule a Student Success Hub appointment with an Honors advisor.

Due Dates & Timeline:

  • Applications are due by Sunday, October 1 at 11:59 pm

  • Interview invitations will be sent the following week.

  • Interviews will take place in October.

  • Membership offer will be sent in October.

Questions? Please email honorsambassadors@unl.edu.

What do you like to be called? If different than First Name listed.
What pronouns do you use? Ex. She/Her, They/Them, She/They, He/They, Ze/Zir, etc.
Please use the format XXX-XXX-XXXX
Where did you hear about Honors Ambassadors?

Academic Information

Year in School Required
Are you a member of either of the following? Required