Teach for Honors

Teaching for Honors

Changing Climate seminar students

Honors courses should seek to deepen students' understanding of the subject matter through consideration of more complex dimensions, apply learning through innovative and experiential assignments, and challenge students to strengthen active learning behaviors.

Types of Honors Courses

Stand-Alone Honors Section

Any Honors student may enroll (assuming pre-reqs are met, if appropriate), and departments may choose to open the class to high ability non-Honors students by permission code.

Combined Honors Section

Includes both Honors and non-Honors students, with additional work expected for any student enrolled for Honors credit. The syllabus should outline the additional expectations. If the class has a recitation, often Honors work is completed through a specific reci section.

Honors Seminar (189H, 298H, 395H)

Generally smaller and use seminar format. See Faculty Guides on 189H, 298H, or 395H for more information. Offered in coordination with the Honors Program office.

Honors Pedagogies

  • in-depth, experiential learning activities
  • collaborative, project-based and/or problem-solving activities
  • integration of course concepts with students’ outside coursework, major, and/or career paths
  • innovation in the ways students apply and demonstrate learning
  • engaging students at a more sophisticated or complex level than might be expected of students in the non-Honors version of the course.

Propose a new Honors Seminar

New departmentally-offered Honors courses are proposed through the regular curriculum in your college. Honors staff are happy to help!

Why Teach Honors?

Hear from current Honors faculty about why they teach Honors

Mentor an Honors Learning Assistant

Honors Learning Assistants are upperclass students who support learning in Honors seminars while gaining valuable leadership, teaching, and mentoring experience. Students earn 3 Honors hours.