UHON 201H classes are zero-credit experiences aimed at helping students begin to engage with experiential learning. All Honors students are required to complete at least one UHON 201H, preferably in their second year of college. Students may enroll in more than one during their time at UNL, provided space is available. Sections meet at different times and using different meeting methods (some in-person, some online, some a combination). Some topics require an application to enroll. Please review the specifics of each section prior to enrolling to ensure you are able to meet its requirements. When seeking to enroll, some of the classes will be listed as mini-sessions rather than semester long courses.
Previous Semesters' Courses
Summer 2025
Ready for the Real World
Rachel Wesley
T 11:30-12:45 | Zoom
Second Five Week session
Featuring guest presentations and learning through case studies, topics such as navigating health care without parents, budgeting, financial planning, and knowing your rights will be addressed. This 201H will help students learn essential skills necessary to navigate personal responsibility-related topics. Requirements include active participation in all class meetings and a final project.

Fall 2025
Leadership in Action
Nick Gilbert
Online Asynchronous
Requires Pre-Approval to Enroll.
This 201H option provides an additional avenue for students to complete Honors requirements via their involvement and campus leadership, for experiences that do not meet the threshold of 120 hours required for UHON 99H (which substitutes as 3 hours of Honors credits) but do generally involve 40+ hours of participation. The Honors Program will identify several campus leadership roles (including but not limited to: Big Red Resilience Wellness Coaches, Clifton Strengths Coaches, NHRI Leadership Mentoring, etc.) but will also allow students to propose their own experience. Students will attend one workshop (choice of three), submit three brief reflective assignments, and create one final product/artifact about their experience.

Community Engagement
Andrew Brown
W 3:30-4:45 | Knoll (and off-site)
9/3, 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12
Students enrolled in this 201H will examine strategies for social change through fundraising and volunteerism in Lincoln and beyond. The course combines classroom learning and real-world experiences, connecting students with the theories they need to understand social issues and the tools they need to address them. Students will volunteer with Aging Partners and Tabitha Nursing and Rehabilitation Center to "adopt a grandparent," help seniors learn how to make a social media account, and participate in arts and craft activities with seniors.

Ready for the Real World
Rachel Wesley
T 5:00-6:15 | Knoll
9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, and 10/7
Featuring guest presentations and learning through case studies, topics such as navigating health care without parents, budgeting, financial planning, and knowing your rights will be addressed. This 201H will help students learn essential skills necessary to navigate personal responsibility-related topics. Requirements include active participation in all class meetings and a final project.

Huskers Abroad: Choose it, Pitch it, Own it
Rebecca Baskerville
W 3:30-4:45 | Knoll (and off-site)
8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15
This 201H helps students carve out additional time to choose and prepare for education abroad in a social “group advising” setting. Students will choose an education abroad program with intentionality; pitch it to stakeholders such as parents, scholarship reviewers, and crowd-funders; and then own that choice by tackling logistics, setting goals, and researching their destination. Students are required to attend six in-person class sessions most Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 pm in late August to mid-October. Students will spend $10 or less on optional course materials.

EN Thompson Forum on World Issues & Cooper Conversations
Rebecca Baskerville
W 3:30-4:45 | Knoll
9/24, 11/5, 12/3
This 201H option is centered around the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues, Lincoln’s premier speaker series, and the Honors-hosted Cooper Conversations. In the semester of enrollment, students will be required to attend four campus and community events plus three in-person class meetings. The in-person class meetings will be on select Wednesdays, 3:30-4:45pm. The outside-of-class events will include E.N. Thompson Forum events, Cooper Conversations, and related events.

Create & Innovate: A Makerspace Medley
Sawyer Smith
T 3:30-4:45 | Knoll and NIS
8/26 (Knoll); 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14 (NIS)
In this 201H, students will head out to Nebraska Innovation Studio (NIS) to explore the exciting world of makerspace learning. Students will learn how to design and create their own innovative projects using a variety of tools and equipment including access to a textiles and art studio, ceramics lab, wood shop, metal shop, and rapid prototyping lab including 3D printers and laser engravers. Students are responsible for purchasing a two-month student membership ($50) and related project materials.